Monday, January 7, 2013

Cannon Ball Incoming!

BIG delivery happened here today!  After FIVE long months of waiting, our new Jean de Merry white spiky flush mounted chandelier arrived.

Finding this sucker was tough!  I needed something not too deep but wide in scale, ideally round and smashing in impact to center the room. 

Wait short, wide, round and smashing! That's me after a two week winter holiday spent wolfing raclette and slurping gimlets!  

 Ummmm back to fixture . . .

After extensive research I learned . . . most flush mounted fixtures are fugly!  Me no heart ceiling lights!  Small, cutesy and just sort of moderate looking.  (I will not make analogies to people I know like the Bush Family here.)

Finally I found the answer!  The Jean de Merry Lumiere Eclat - only 15" deep, 45" wide and with lots of style!  I found it while having lunch in the tea room at my church home,  Bergdorf Goodman.

Here it is at Bergdorf's in gold.  (BTW the tea room designed by my style heroine Kelly Wearstler)

And some other places in black . . .

So enough about these other people's fabulous houses and back to ME!  In keeping with my Happiness Project resolution to think positive(!), I must say that I think the fixture (mine in white) looks FABULOUS!   See!!!

But as my husband's face in that last shot may reveal, the instal almost killed us.   It arrived fully assembled though it was SUPPOSED to be shipped in parts so it could be hung assembled piece by piece. Did I mention there were no instructions?  Like a Barbie RV from China on Christmas!

As the fixture is spiky, it has NO SIDES so cannot be lifted or even held, only hung.  Here it is propped up between my two dining chairs, just waiting for Mr. Fitz to come by and swing it or smash it or whatever.   An expensive piƱata.

Finally God's true Martyr and Saint of Home Decor Projects and Pizza Parlors, Mr. Merle Kovtun arrived to help with the instal. Luckily the King of All Husbands Gregg Brockway showed up too just in time to be pressed into service.   Here is the old dinky chandelier on the floor (it came with the house and is will be sold soon on my my new website!  Would look GREAT in someone ELSE'S house! ).

The install took three hours, ended up with me, Gregg and Merle all on ladders on the same time sweating like pig dogs. At one crucial moment Gregg was on two ladders at once and Merle had a sweatshirt on his head like a turban to hold the piece in place from the bottom while Gregg screwed it in.  Here they are smiling ONLY because they know this snap is for the the blog!

I was cursed out for having good taste at least once by both guys.  Gregg was almost impaled by the damn thing during the operation.  Here he looking like the Saint of Perpetual Wife Adoration!

I am thrilled with outcome!  GREAT LOOK!  

BUT as for the slow and unprofessional folks at Jean De Merry who constructed this thing, I am reminded of the words Aunt Em laid onto that bicycle riding, dog napping b*tch Almira Guch, " For 23 years I have been dying to tell you what I thought of you!  Well, being a Christian woman, I can't say it."

Monday, December 31, 2012

Get Real 2013

Next time I am thinking how it is totally fine to put all white sofas and big important art everywhere, please remind me that I have three kids who do projects like this all over my house . . .

This guy and his teammates are soooo way better than any of that designer jazz!  Happy New Year troublemakers!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let there be light!

One of the most lovely features of this old place is the great windy staircase that goes three floors up but . . .

When we were considering buying our home, it never struck me to test drive the light fixtures which dotted their way up the staircase. Nor did any of the 28,000 inspectors we paid to check the joint out.  Remind me of to do this next time.


When we moved in, we learned that each and every single wall fixture was manually operated!  That meant that when we wanted to turn the lights on or off, we had to mountain goat it all the way up and down three floors flipping switches.

My culo was killing me every night hoofing it. And Mr. G was none too happy and getting gripey.  Non mi piace. E il problema.

So this summer we had the entire stairwell ripped apart and rewired - BIG PROJECT - by true star John Hakewill  of Hakewill Construction who managed this disaster whilst we were on holiday.  And after waiting 8 LONG months (like a voting line in Florida - the design industry is a lead time case study waiting to happen), our new Ironies sconces arrived and we have one switch lighting on every floor. Wheeeeeee!

Monday, October 1, 2012

New Sonoma Cool Kid Sport?

Here is my husband G. captured at bull fighting party in Sonoma.  Don't worry no spears!  But lots of guts.  Is this the new and braver bocci?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Talented Friends

Am I ever lucky when it comes to talented friends!  Make that REALLY lucky.  Case in point the beautiful Michelle Spane Rivera.

You may remember from my wedding as the adorable girl in a strapless top and ball gown skirt with a flower behind her ear and an irresistible freckle on her perfect nose.  The one every guy falls in love with?

But guess what?  She is now an accomplished artist! As a thank you for some design advice regarding her magnificent gothic manse in Piedmont, Michelle My Belle graced me with SURPRISE! two amazing pieces of her art!

Look and see!  Here shown in fabulous framing by Michael Thompson with my adorable blonde bombshell assistant Captain Underpants looking on . . ..

Bright pink!

And Graphic Black and White!  Again with the Captain showing his high approval.

And Now where to put them . . . hmmmmm

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Urchin of Charleston

About a month ago, my beautiful cousin Erin Hallock got married in GORGEOUS Charelston South Carolina.  Having never been to the South, this was my big chance as I have always admired Southern style.  I was NOT disappointed. Charelston is perfectly art directed in every way - here are some snaps from my tour with Mom, Step Dad Ronnie and other assorted Berry cousins.

I must say I really appreciated the gorgeous landscaping - what a bunch of impeccable gardeners!

Of course, I did some shopping including a stop by a shop I have always wanted to hit - South Of Market.
I found this great black spiky urchin which I am considering in a pair for my hallway.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chaise Debut!

After a month in transit (come on . . . really?), my first vintage chaise arrived from La La Land today!  Isn't she chic?

The identical twin sister she has never met arrives from Geneva Illinois on Thursday for lunch!  After they get to know each other, we will send them off for identical facelifts and they will return to Maison de Noise in a lavender grey linen to boldly build a new life together in San Francisco.  I expect they will both be the stars of a few upcoming cocktail parties . . . 

Hope they really are twins and not just sisters. . .  Fingers crossed.